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Speaker Series

The Housing Options Speaker is presented by The Robert Vihon Family Resource Center. Please view our past speakers and their presentations below.

Past Speaker Series

Matthias Academy is a nonprofit adult day program serving adults with mild to severe disabilities, providing specialized medical needs from Illinois & Wisconsin.

Aspire Chicago is an innovative non-profit organization working with people with disabilities to shape the future of inclusivity. Aspire Chicago’s housing services are designed to provide a holistic and empowering experience for individuals seeking tailored solutions. By understanding the process of accessing waiver funds through the Department of Human Services, individuals can confidently navigate the financial aspect of their housing journey.

Community Alternatives Unlimited is one of the agencies in the Chicagoland area that is involved in the housing process through the PUNS list and waivers and will be speaking to this process. During Transition, many people/families are provided information regarding signing up for the various lists that will be needed to access housing/supports in the future. At that time, the PUNS list or waivers might not be viewed as important and an issue for a future day. When the time comes and residential housing or other supportive services are needed, the information may be lost or forgotten.

The Center for Independent Futures assisted some of their families in the Evanston area to create four community-based housing options with a focus on community engagement and support. They have since developed the New Futures Initiative for help other families do the same in their communities and will be sharing what they have learned from the process along with how interested families can start their own community-based homes.