
Connect with your CEL friends and have fun through our virtual programs! Live programs are offered 6 days a week and provide a variety of different options including Creative Expressions, Nature, Social, Games, Educational, and more! You’ll also find activities that you can do at home by yourself, with your family or roommate(s).

To learn more about our virtual programs, please contact our Outreach team at or for more information.


What do I need to participate in CEL's Virtual Programming?

CEL uses Zoom for Virtual Programs. You will need to download the free app to participate. The program supervisor will email you a link to connect for the program. Click the link and type in the password at the designated time and you are all set!

Is there a charge for CEL's Virtual Programming?

There is a nominal monthly fee for our virtual programs. Scholarships are available.

What are the participation guidelines for Virtual Programs?

  • During the CEL virtual program, please be conscious of the environment. We want to encourage participation in an environment free from background noise or distractions.  Please encourage use of the mute feature if there is background noise at the home or office. Then un-mute when they would like to speak and actively participate in the program.
  • We kindly ask that family members and care takers provide the opportunity for members to participate as much as they can before responding or participating for them. We do understand that support may be needed for some to actively participate in our virtual programs, which is much appreciated.
  • When using a tablet or phone, please discourage getting up and walking around while on Zoom. Frequent movement, as well as the sounds picked up by the microphone, can be distracting to other participants.
  • If things occur that need to be attended to (answering the door or talking to someone in the home or office) please briefly stop the video and mute, so that the group may continue without distraction.
  • To ensure safety and security for everyone, we ask that the video is turned on when you join the group and left on throughout the program.  We also ask that you do not share the program codes with anyone.   Because a top priority is to keep our programs safe for all participants, we ask that you adhere to these precautions.
This project is supported in part by grant number CFDA 93.630, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.